Holy Family Shrine | Omaha, Nebraska

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I have tons of family in Nebraska and try to return at least once a year to catch up with my 16 aunts and uncles, 50+ cousins and now my cousins’ babies. My mom was the oldest of 11 kids who were all raised on the family farm, and our group is still very tight knit. Last weekend, I visited friends and family in Omaha and we happened to pass by this very interesting church, the Holy Family Shrine. From the highway you can see it is constructed mostly of glass, but when you’re up close, you can really see the magnificent architecture it displays. Occasionally, I really enjoy photographing something different like architecture (there are no blinks in architecture photography!). I processed these images using HDR, or high dynamic range, which is a way for the image to include the maximum amount of detail from the bright parts of the photo and the shadows.  If you’re in the Omaha area, I would highly suggest dropping by this beautiful place to gawk at the amazing wood and glass work.




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